Love You Just Enough Podcast
We’re women. We’re married. We’re millennials, and we work together. We’re writing our own script for love, life, and everything in between. Join us each week as we keep it gully aka real and share our unique take on sex, grief, shame, and everything your Mom told you not to discuss in mixed company. We’re navigating life by our own rules.
Love You Just Enough Podcast
20 Questions with Can & Kell
Candice & Kelly Brown
Season 1
Episode 2
This week Candice and Kelly play 20 Questions. While we spend all of our time together, especially since COVID-19, it can still be a struggle to maintain a deep connection when distractions beckon to us (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, those addictive games in the app store). In this episode, you get to know us better as we get to know one another better.
If you're looking for recommendations on different ways to spark conversation with your partner, friends, or loved ones, check out our Instagram accounts @mrscandicebrown @mrskellyannbrown